Today I am going to talk about the 22 things that I have learned in 22 years! I don’t know why but I feel like I just want to give you the advice that I wish I knew before going into a certain situations and things that I think are really important to know and to remember. I don’t know who might need to hear these but we’ll see, shall we...

First thing first, stop aiming for perfection. I am actually the type of person who wants everything to be perfect as I planned to. I’m a perfectionist and I am afraid to make mistakes which is wrong! Growing up I realized that there’s no such thing as called “perfect” in this world. Only God himself is perfect. And it is okay to make mistakes. How would we learn if we don’t make mistakes? Hmm, that makes sense ha. So don’t be afraid to make mistakes, don’t be like me. Let yourself to learn new things from your mistakes and don’t let your mistakes determine who you are.

The next thing is something very personal to me and this might not apply to everyone but it is to declutter items you don’t use. This is something that I need to keep reminding myself literally every single freaking day. I am a very sentimental person. I don’t like throwing things or giving them away even tho I don’t use or need them anymore. I actually used to have 3 boxes full of things that are unuseful for me- toys, books, shirts, shoes, bags, stuffs like that.  They were stuck in a box for sooo long cause I wanted to keep them forever but Typhoon Yolanda took those things from me. I was so upset. I was so mad. I wished I could have just donated them instead.

This next one is to stop comparing. Stop comparing yourself to anyone. Stop comparing your life to someone else’s life. I’m the type of person who always compare herself to other girls and who always compare her life to someone else’s life. It may seem like I am comfortable for who and where I am right now but to be honest with you, behind the blog, behind the posts I wished I was someone else. I wished I was as beautiful as her, as sexy as her, as smart as her, as rich as her, as popular as her. I have all those thoughts in my mind and it is very unhealthy. I know for sure that a lot of people are doing the same thing but actually wishing to be someone we’re not is something that we shouldn’t wished for.

Accept your flaws and own them. A year ago I’m like ok maybe if I don’t have my cleft people would accept me. Maybe if I didn’t have cleft I would be very confident about myself or maybe if I didn’t have cleft they wouldn't make fun of me. I wished I realized this before but I did not realize that everyone has their flaws. We all have our own flaws. And that is ok! Our flaws are something that makes us stand out among the rest. Accept and own them for that’s what makes us unique. If we want people to accept us we must accept ourselves first. It always starts from ourselves.

Eliminate negative self-talk. Like I said, I am not comfortable for who I am. There are so many things about myself that I don’t like and I always say that to myself. I always tell myself how ugly, useless, unloved and worthless I am. I even told myself that this world would be better off without me. Lies! Lies! Lies! Those are lies. I wished I realized earlier how beautiful and worthy I am. Although there are times where I find myself like shit but I always make sure not to sleep without reminding myself how beautiful, worthy, loved and blessed I am. I think you guys should also do the same.

Number six, you don’t have to wait for apology to forgive someone. It is so hard to do this one cause we all strive for closure. Sometimes we just need to forgive someone for something that they have done. First of all, that burden of hating someone is going to hang over your head so don’t give them the power to make you mad. Second of all, it is just a kind thing to do to forgive people. You don’t have to be everyone’s friend. Just say I forgive you but I’m not going to forget. Be civil, you don’t have to be mean to anyone. Just move on and that’s going to put you in a wining position.

Number seven, frontload your days with your least favorite work. I don’t know why but for some reason this works for me a lot and it might also work for you so ya might try to do it as well.

You are your only limit. You’re the only person who’s going to decide what you have accomplished, who your friends with, how happy you are and how you live your life. The thoughts that we are telling ourselves in the morning is super active so make sure to always be kind to yourself and compliment yourself.

Number nine, cut out the negative energy. I don’t care if it’s your friends, partner or your own family. If someone’s sending you some negative energy cut them out immediately. Protect yourself from people who are negative or people who are not good for your mental health. You don’t need those kind of people in your life. Cut them out. NOW.

Do more of what makes you happy. As long as you are not hurting anybody just do whatever make you happy. It doesn’t have to make sense to others.

Never settle. Never settle for anything less than you deserve. Always know the difference between what you’re getting and what you deserve.

Look on the bright side. A lot of people are unaware of this but we live in a world that our brain creates. Our brain reacts to all the situations. We can either make lighter situation or we can make darker situation. So make sure to choose to make a lighter situation so that you can live in a happier and brighter world. Our mind is a magnet so always choose positive.

Practice gratitude. Do not look for something that isn’t there, always be thankful for everything that you have and appreciate those things. No matter how small or big it is, be thankful.

Number fourteen is more on financial one, save your money. Saving money for the future is so worth it. We don’t know what future holds us so it’s always better to have savings. You don’t need to have most expensive things even if you can afford it. Just because it’s on trend it doesn’t mean you also have to get it. And just because it’s on sale it doesn’t mean you need it. Save money while you are still young cause once you have to move out you will have to pay for your rent, electricity, all the bills. I’m just telling you now cause you know, prevention is better than cure.

Number fifteen, always be humble. Just always do it. No one likes someone who is constantly bragging or constantly wanting to one up everyone else. I understand that everyone has something to be proud of and we are all allowed to show it and to be confident about it but bragging is actually a different story and trust me, no one likes that.

The sixteenth thing to remember is always be your own person. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, be your own person. You don’t need someone else to compliment you or to make you happy. Do it for yourself. And regardless of what you do people will always have something to say so just be yourself. Don’t listen to them, otherwise you won’t ever be truly happy.

Seventeenth, life is beautiful and you have time. Don’t be discouraged if you see some people or let’s say your friends who you think are already successful with their career or with their love life. Don’t be upset and just be happy for them. Always remember that we don’t have the same time. Maybe it’s their time but it doesn’t mean yours won’t come. So just be patience, your time will come.

Learn to say no. It is import to know that saying “no” sometimes doesn’t makes you a bad person. And actually if you keep saying yes to people they will just take you for granted. You wouldn’t want that, do you?

Past cannot be changed. Stop spending your whole life thinking about the past or hating what you’ve done in the past and wishing you shouldn’t have done that. I needed this and maybe someone might also need to hear this. You wouldn’t be the person who you are now if you didn’t go through all that. You wouldn’t be as strong as you are now without the past who shaped you. Instead of stressing yourself about the past, just focus on the present. Let it go.

Everything happens for a reason. God wouldn’t give you such situation if he knows that you couldn’t get through it. So don’t ever think that there is no way for you to get out from that cause you know, there’s always a rainbow after the rain. I know how it feels like being stuck in a situation and feeling like there’s no way for you to get out so if you ever need someone to talk to, know that you can always message me anytime. No judgement. Just think of me as a stranger in a good and positive way.

Twenty-one, stay positive. I know how hard it is to stay positive especially in hard times but you must stay positive no matter what and just always remember this Bible verse John 13:7 saying “You do not understand now what I am doing, but you will understand later”. That’s my fav Bible verse btw skl.

Number twenty-two, do not explain. Stop explaining yourself to people. You don’t owe them. Let them think whatever they want. It wouldn’t affect you cause you know who you are and actually that’s all that matters.

I am going to end this blog here. Thank you so much for reading and make sure to stick around cause I make a tons of blogs like this so yeah if you like more blogs like this one, then stick around.

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