It's been a while, guys! I know I said before that I'll make it up to you, that I'll be consistent in writing and publishing more blogs. I thought I'd be able to do that since I only have thesis to work on plus I don't need to stress myself too much because I have my thesis groupmates that will help me work on our thesis. The plan is to work on our thesis during weekdays and update my blog on weekends. I really have no excuse now!

A lil life update...

If you've been here since the day I made this blog, you probably already know how much I love what I'm doing! I've been wanting to start blogging for so long. Not be able to connect with y'all makes me really sad. For today's blog, I'm gonna explain everything that has happened since I was gone, why I just suddenly had to take a step back from blogging and on social media, what's currently going on, and my plan for the future!

Where was I for the past three months?

Let's get into that. I went to Catarman to work and focus on our thesis. I was really planning to update my blog during the weekends but unfortunately, there are so many things that I couldn't control. Thesis is way more stressful than I think it was. But yes, we're only working on our thesis during the weekdays and the reason why I couldn't update my blog on the weekends is because I realized that going out with friends and having fun with them is way more better than facing my laptop screen all day long. Don't get me wrong, I mean, I love writing, I love blogging, I love talking to you but there's actually more to life than to be just on the internet. This is also the reason why I had to take a step back from social media. Not that I didn't wanted to update y'all with what's going on with my life but just because I genuinely enjoyed life without having the need to capture every moment and to post it on Facebook, on my Instagram, or on any other social media platform. I decided to focus on myself more and to really think about what I want to do with my life.

Where am I now?

I'm currently in Catbalogan to spend Christmas and New Year with my family but after New Year, a week or two, I will have to go back to Catarman with my classmates/groupmates to continue working on our thesis. I'm afraid I'll have to put my blog to the side again. But I'll try to be more active on my Instagram so that none of you will miss me :P 

My plan for the future...

is first, to pass the thesis. It won't be that easy but we will do everything to finish and pass our thesis on time. I am really grateful that we have harmony in making our thesis. There are so many times that we misunderstood each other but at the end of the day, we always find our ways to fix whatever the problem is.  Second, to graduate College on time. I don't wish to be on top cause I know that I have so many classmates that are really smart and more deserving to be on top. Just to be able to graduate on time and pass all of my subjects is enough for me. As soon as I finish my College, I plan to study for the board exam and at the same time I will find some job and start working. I will also try my very best to be more consistent on updating my blog! It's going to be so good. I have so many ideas for it!

That's pretty much it for todays blog. I made this blog as short as possible so that you wouldn't get bored reading my todays blog XD anywas, I also wanted to end this blog showing you a rare picture of me. It's just my selfie, without anything. No filter, no powder, no lipstick. Just a gal who's tryna embrace her perfect imperfections. I think I should do this more often, what ya think? (lol) I hope you guys are safe! So sorry I didn't had Christmas blog but don't worry cause next Christmas I'll make sure to have it and like I've said earlier, it's going to be so good! Thank you so much for reading and make sure to stick around cause I make a ton of blogs like this! If you enjoy this kind of blog, then subscribe and stick around!


woah you've made it all the way down here ily

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